Sunday, March 15, 2009

Multiple Intelligences

This theory of learning could be simplified into a how/where question, "how do you like to learn?' or "where do you like to learn?"

When I create online learning and assess it, I need to keep a mental or digital check-list to ensure I am not leaning too heavily on one type of learning process, context or environment.

  1. Verbal-Linguistic–learn with poems or song or discussion or speeches or debates an expression of ideas bringing clarity to thoughts
  2. Logical-Mathematical–find patterns in real life or something theoretical, and come up with a rule
  3. Visual-Spatial–good for measurement, sports contexts, lego
  4. Body-Kinesthetic–could be mechanical, or dance, tactile
  5. Musical-Rhythmic–sing a song to learn by rote or natural sounds
  6. Interpersonal–interviews or discussion
  7. Intrapersonal–Thinking, pondering, reflecting
I reckon the 7 above provide guidance to ensuring the learning environment has different spaces and resources, learning activities reflect different opportunities to take in new information or apply learning and assessment may be 'free choice' or has variety in terms of how learning is demonstrated.

plug: for after school care in New Zealand

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