Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reviewing the online MiniConference for FOC08 Asgn 3

  • organised and promoted: the summary of the topic was full enough, the ways to contribute were simple
  • managed and conducted smoothly: the survey put me in the right mind, listening to the voice threads gave me a reference for where others were thinking, the planning notes on the wiki are full and its clear who did what...
  • all participants knew where they were supposed to be and when: clear enough
  • set the stage: the discusssion threads headed us in the right direction and is a clear record of the ideas shared
  • Whether the facilitator did a round up, drew closure and indicated where recordings and other follow up materials would be made available: all clear and labeled
  • Was the follow up done in a timely and professional manner? YES
  • What the facilitator did well: lots of questions, not too much 'summarising other's responses', thoughtful resposnes
  • How the event could be facilitated better: a slideshare of the key learnings
  • General comments and additions: nil

1 comment:

Leigh Blackall said...

Personally, I found it difficult to remain engaged in this session. A big risk factor for asynchronous session in my view. The unique thing about this event was that the organisors teamed up, and didn't rely soley on the FOC08 participants for input. They combined it with another course elsewhere, and so increased their chances of input and engagement. I think this is a big consideration to take into account. It relates to the 1% rule.. a theory that the Internet is the creation of 1% of the population that is connected. In online community (and course) facilitation, I go as far as a 10% rule.. meaning that if I have 20 people in a group, I can usually expect self motivated engagement from 2 people. A bitter pil for some people :)